Evolon for Christmas Cards – by Lyn Kirkland

An image of a wispy Christmas tree. The branches are defined by sweeping black lines on mottled bluey-green background. There are also small blobs of lighter green dotted over the tree, perhaps representing snow or decorations.
Dark wispy branches create a simple yet effective design

These delightful images were sent into us by Lyn Kirkland – a Painter, Tutor, Encaustic Wax and Mixed Media Artist.

Lyn contacted us a few weeks ago to order some Evolon. As a new customer and accomplished artist, our curiosity got the better of us and we just had to ask how she was going to use the Evolon. We weren’t disappointed!

She found the Evolon really great for printing, using wax collograph plates and said it was her intention to embed some prints in a wax surface. However, for now, she’s just happy making some Christmas cards, with a mini 3D printer etching press and Akua inks.

Lyn sent us these photos of her initial experiments with Evolon. We love the design and her choice of colours!

An image of a wispy Christmas tree. The branches are defined by sweeping black lines on a mottled grey background. There are also small blobs of light grey dotted over the tree, perhaps representing snow or decorations.
A delightful atmospheric image

Please take a look at Lyn’s website for more information on her work with Fine Art Encaustic Wax – a fascinating technique, which was new to us.

If you would like to receive samples of Evolon or any of our other fabrics, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

An artist's workstation, covered with pots of paint and jars of paintbrushes. More paintbrushes hang from shelves above. In the foreground is a Mini 3D Etching Press.
Lyn’s Mini 3D Printer Etching Press

by Ruth Morgan | November 16, 2022 | Posted in Evolon