Evolon & Evolon Soft – for making Romantic Rose Decorations for Valentine’s Day

Two large cream candles. The candle on the right is almost twice the height of the candle on the left. They are unlit and standing against a dark blue background and table covering. Scattered around the base of the candles are four red roses and several individual green leaves, which have all been made from Evolon.
A single table setting on a dark blue tablecloth, consisting of a square white dinner plate, surrounded by cutlery. Resting diagonally on the plate is a single stem red rose placed on top of a folded black serviette. On the top righthand side of the plate is a heart shaped note, which reads - Loved you then, Love you still, Always have, Always will. XXX

Evolon is ideal for crafting as it colours well, does not tear or fray and holds its shape beautifully. Our photographs show how these Evolon roses can be used to create a centre piece, a symbolic single stem, or to decorate a card. 

A ring of roses! A cluster of 5 red rose heads, positioned in a small clear dish and surrounded by green leaves.
A square bright red Valentine card with a square hole in the centre, through which a single rose bud is emerging against a black background. The rose has been secured to the inside of the card with a length of thin green garden wire which has been wound round several times to form a circular pattern. Three green leaves also decorate the card. To the left of the card is a square brown envelope with a heart shaped note, which reads - Loved you then, Love you still, Always have, Always will. XXX

How to Make the Roses . . .

  1. Simply colour some Evolon (or Evolon Soft) with red transfer paint or acrylic paint and then cut out a series of ‘balloon’ shapes to make the petals (i.e. a softly curved top edge, narrowing to a point at the base). We used 5 or 7 petals in gradually decreasing sizes to make one rose.
  2. Start by rolling the smallest petal into a tight curl and sew through the base to hold it in position, then add the next largest petal, pinching it at the bottom to form a natural looking fold and sewing it to the previous petal and so on, until the largest petal is secured to the flower.
  3. Once the roses are complete the petals can be arranged, tweaked and folded back to make them appear even more realistic.
  4. If you wish, you can add sepals and leaves by colouring some Evolon with green paint and also add green garden sticks or wire for stems.

Best of all, these roses will last a lot longer than the fresh variety!

by Ruth Morgan | January 26, 2024 | Posted in Evolon